Christmas Hampers

Each year, the PTA raffle some wonderful Christmas hampers to raise funds for the school.
This year, there will be 20 fantastic hampers to raffle and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize hampers are always extra special!
The PTA will make up the hampers using donations brought in by the children on ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ , which is Friday 7th December. As 'payment' for wearing non-uniform, the PTA kindly asks you to donate the following items (new please):
• Year 3 Toys
• Year 4 Chocolates
• Year 5 Toiletries or luxury items
• Year 6 Wine
Donation boxes will be in classrooms on the morning of Friday 7th December. Bottles of wine should be taken directly to the school office.
The hampers always contain lots of goodies to enjoy over the Festive Season. Tickets cost £1 each and this week, the PTA will be sending home a book of five raffle tickets. Please can you support us by selling these raffle tickets to friends, family or even work colleagues – but please don't sell them door-to-door or to under 18’s.
The draw will take place during school assembly on Friday 14th December.
Thank you for your support!