Changes to admission arrangements

Consultation on admission arrangements for Crawley Ridge Junior School for 2021
The Alliance Multi-Academy Trust is consulting on proposed changes to admission arrangements for Crawley Ridge Junior School for September 2021.
Traditionally, Crawley Ridge Junior School has had a pupil admission number of 66; 33 children in each class. It has been felt for sometime, however, that class sizes of 33 are too big and we now wish to reduce our classes to 30 to bring them in line with infant schools. The school has been running with an operational PAN of 60, but we would like to make this change permanent.
The consultation will run until 28th January 2020. Anyone wishing to submit their views can email the Trust at
After the closing date, responses will be collated and presented to the Local Academy Board. Once the board has considered all the responses the determined admission arrangements will be place on Crawley Ridge Junior School’s website.
The proposed admission arrangements are attached below.