Year 4 News of the Week

Learning about habitats
Year 4 News of the Week
Year 4 has branched out into Forest School to continue learning about habitats. In our first session, we explored some food chains of animals from a forest habitat. We remembered the scientific vocabulary and have been able to apply it in our science lessons about food chains and food webs.
We learnt the names and characteristics of the birds we might find in our school grounds by playing some games. Then, we thought about bird habitats and bird nests. Using tweezers to mimic bird beaks, we worked in teams to build a nest which would protect a fragile egg. It was far more difficult than we thought it would be as the leaves and moss kept slipping off the tweezers!
In preparation for our next session, we learnt how to tie two knots: the reef knot and the clove hitch. These were quite challenging to master! We are looking forward to using these skills in our next sessions.
We have also used our Forest School experiences to inspire some Tanka poems in English. Enjoy!
1,2,3 Where are you?
Cramped in the bushes,
Camouflaged in the lush leaves
Waiting to be found.
I could hear birds singing loud.
Footsteps. Footsteps. I am found…
Nest building
Layer by layer,
Delicately piling twigs
Uneven coating
Greenery spaciously placed
Being busy like a bird
Building nests
Finding resources
Using tweezers of hardship
Protecting the egg
Camouflaged in vivid trees
Comfortable feathery beds